Thursday, April 27, 2006

I really hope this guy wins the nomination

Via Ezra and Digby, I see that The New Republic has a long profile on the waste of space that is George Allen. Granted, I've only read the blurb that Digby posted because I'm sure as hell not subscribing to TNR, but it's pretty much what one would come to expect from a racist, pseudo-Southern bully.

"The guy is horrible," she complains. "He drove around with a Confederate flag on his Mustang. I can't believe he's going to run for president." Another classmate, who asks that I not use her name, also remembers Allen's obsession with Dixie: "My impression is that he was a rebel. He plastered the school with Confederate flags."


...when his father was on the road, young George often acted as a surrogate dad to his siblings. According to his sister Jennifer, he was particularly strict about bedtimes. One night, his brother Bruce stayed up past his bedtime. George threw him through a sliding glass door. For the same offense, on a different occasion, George tackled his brother Gregory and broke his collarbone. When Jennifer broke her bedtime curfew, George dragged her upstairs by her hair.

I honestly think this guy has a chance at the nomination. As Digby said, he's actually dumber than W is, and he's a less fake version of the fake Southerner that W's always tried to be (and he didn't even go to Yale). There are enough backwards-ass racists who will be voting in the Republican primaries (especially in the South)...people who still hate McCain for a) having that biracial kid that W's people said he'd had during the 2000 campaign (doesn't matter if it's not true), and b) disagreeing with W about anything. They'll vote for Allen in a heartbeat. And I say, go for it. Either Allen wins the entire South, gets trounced over the entire West and Northeast, and loses the electoral college about 310-230, or he wins and I get to move to Vancouver. Either way I win.