Thursday, January 04, 2007

Fool Me Once, Well, Actually, Fool Me a Lot

The chief tester of voting machines has been barred by the feds from testing new machines because of quality control problems. Let's see . . . how long has this been going on? Hmm, 2002 in GA? 2004 in OH and FL? Nice of them to get around to it now that we had an election that the Repubs screwed up so badly that it wouldn't have been credible even in this country with this media to steal. (Funny how the exit polls turned out okay this election, too, huh?) Let's hope things are fixed by the 2008 elections. And by fixed, I mean, paper ballots appropriately monitored, guarded, and counted. Good lord, historians are going to laugh at this generation of gullible dillweeds.