Friday, July 14, 2006

It's Friday Blogroll Time!!

An Avedon link sent me to this, and since I had to read it and get disgusted, so do you.

An Attaturk
link sent me to this, and since I had to read it and get depressed, so do you.

Just like 9/11 and the breeching of the levees, I guess "no one could have predicted" that Israel v. Lebanon, the Iraqi occupation, and the Iranian pissing contest would end up having a
negative effect on oil prices (AMERICAblog). I mean, how could you have possibly seen that coming? And speaking of Israel, Eriposte at Left Coaster has a well-written summary and prognosis, Upyernoz does some wondering, and Billmon observes that there's something creepy and less organized about this current round of hostilities.

[I]t is clear to me that the Israelis, through their own actions (plus some help from their clueless allies in the Cheney administration) have put themselves in trap they can’t escape. They’ve reached a strategic dead end, one that doesn’t even leave them enough maneuvering room to turn and go back. A return to the pre-Oslo status quo – full military reoccupation of the territories – is out of the question. The peace process (a pointless squirrel wheel, but one that at least kept the squirrels, both Palestinian and Israeli, busy going through their paces) is dead. The Palestinian Authority is shattered; Fatah’s legitimacy and President Abbas’s credibility flushed down the toilet. And Hamas – the only viable alternative – has been officially defined as Public Enemy Number One by the Israelis, the Americans and the Europeans

And David at Debate Link sums it up in three letters: WTF. And Wolcott reminds me that Isreal isn't just America Lite (since when??). Meanwhile, John Gibson auditions for another job (Great Society)...

Dana takes the time to try and get us to prioritize. And so does Amanda from Pandagon. Nice thoughts, but good luck with that...

Credit Dubya on this one...just think what compromises he had to make to get "moderate" "administration critic" Arlen Specter on board on the FISA thing (Greenwald). compromises? And it retroactively makes Dubya's illegal actions legal? Specter turned his back on the country again? Huh...didn't see that coming at all. As Chris at BooMan says...

Specter rarely fails to do exactly what a person in his position ought never do. I've watched in horror, repeatedly, as otherwise sane Pennsylvanians vote for and testify for Specter because he coos gently and effectively to people of reason, while engaging in all manner of unreasonable behavior. I've listened and read in horror, very recently, while otherwise sane people propose that Specter will do more than merely speak the noble language of oversight. Noble words and the scent of decay will get you the scent of decay and, if you're lucky, a hunk of rotten meat.

Haven't the Gay Games (Alicublog) been around for a few years now? It's pretty sad that they have to resort to really old news to drum up outrage.

There's really going to be no denting
Saint Rudy's (Atrios) image as a strong leader and great person, no matter how much evidence exists to the contrary. Then again, I would have thought the same about McCain, and he miraculously seems to have taken a hit...for now, anyway.

What harm could there be in a little
penis measuring game (Echidne)? I mean, it's not like thousands of lives and livelihoods are at stake or anything.

Come back, Demosthenes!

Listen to what the hawks say (Digby)! Just give them 30 years or so, and Iraq will turn out just fine! And that's all that matters, right? Not the hatred developing and the lives shattered, right? Who cares about the present tense (Existentialist Cowboy), anyway?

FDL's become a one-note site recently, but when that one note (Nedrenaline) is such a good and relevant one, then keep pounding away! Occasionally, the mainstream media will notice! Lots of good stuff over there. Other times (Interesting Times), though...not so much...

Really, with that last name (and the political party to which he belongs) it was just a matter of time (First Draft).

And speaking of one-note sites...Gadflyer points us to another. Usually, I don't like acknowledging the idiots because it just encourages them...but it's usually not this much fun (and easy) to compile so much material from just one person.

Now this is the kind of activist judge (Lefarkins) I can back!

Al, save us (Susie)!

So wait,'re telling me that blogging doesn't take away the urge to rant in public?? Then why the hell am I doing this??