Tuesday, June 27, 2006

In the "Remind me never to piss them off" crowd...

...Bérubé ranks right up there with Wolcott and Juan Cole. Take it away, fellow blogofascist (h/t Avedon)!

Seriously: people should not call Lee Siegel names. Remember, Lee Siegel is one of the most fatuous and self-regarding writers in the English-speaking world, and as such, he is ripe for parody. Why, from Jon Stewart to Stephen Colbert to the Witty Leftists of blogofascism, Siegel has been flailing at people considerably more talented than he for months now. Occasionally he reminds his critics, whom he suavely calls “pissants,” that

I was writing for magazines like Dissent, The Nation, and Radical History Review while you were still worrying whether it was safe to walk around the Upper West Side at night. (Maybe you still do.)

That is so street. Why, it positively reeks of authenticity! It is at once leftish and dangeral—a potent combination in any neighborhood.

So please, please don’t get angry at Lee Siegel. Don’t descend to angry name-calling. Instead, use the hard Microfascisoft power of the blogofascisphere to parody him! It’s more fun, and, most important, it’s more sophisticated.