Sunday, June 04, 2006

Tristero Nails It

Over at Digby's place, Tristero absolutely nails the point I've been trying to make in a much more feeble way. The reason Dems lose to Repubs is not that their values are a minority, in most states, anyway, but that they can't get the values they share with "centrists" across in equally effective ways. Repubs no more command more values than the Dems than I'm going to run a 4.5 40. But they have mastered not even "framing" so much as "phrasing" with encompassing symbols and meanings to get across points quickly, memorably, and personally. Dems, and Kerry was among the worst, talk like doctors who tell patients they have fatal cancer by explaining cell division. Effective, inclusive story-tellers win, Dem or Repub ("I feel your pain"). There's no need to become something else. Just get to the point where people can tell you're like them and want the best for the country and everyone in it, like the majority of them, in 25 words or less. It could work wonders. Thanks, Tristero. I was sounding too much like Feinstein. I'll stop now.