Wouldn't it be great if we had a second political party in America? You know, one of those things they have in real democracies? A party you could depend on to present a clear alternative to the majority party, especially when that party's driver is drunk and speeding us down a mountain road, yelling "GAYS, MY-GRUNTS, GAYS, MY-GRUNTS . . . yeehahhhh!!!!" A second American party would see it as its mission to find the errors and flaws in everything the majority party did and to build an infrastructure that would get its messages out, no matter how corporate and corrupt the nation's news media. A second American party could never be questioned on what it stood for or for its courage to stand up for those things. You know, sort of what the Repubs managed to pull off before they became the majority party. A second American party would understand that, if it stood for the American Legacy of freedom and opportunity for all Americans and of responsive and democratic government, even when the other party briefly grabbed power, history would come back to justify the Legacy and to allow the second party to keep us on the path to its fulfillment.
Wouldn't that be great??!!
What's got me going today? Actually, a story I'd already heard, but saw again in the Boston Globe today, about the cuts at NASA for the satellite programs that provide much of the data we've used and will need to monitor and deal with global warming. NASA is in a budget crunch and has to set priorities, it seems, and, gosh, those inconvenient programs with their inconvenient data on how we're flushing our posterity and legacy down a drying toilet just aren't that high a priority, compared, you know, to the International Space Station. Did you get that? A climate change capable of affecting virtually every aspect of our lives for virtually every person on this planet isn't as important as being able to put a couple of guys in a space station wondering when the oxygen's going to go. I'm all for visions of interplanetary travel (well, not really), but, seriously, folks, this is a priority over knowing what's happening to the planet we happen to be living on???
We know what's really happening. Just like they've done to all the data they don't like and the agencies that provide them, Bushnev and the Busheviks are shutting down yet one more way to monitor their truly evil actions. I realize that, if he thinks all kids are like his, Georgi might not see the point in saving anything for coming generations, or maybe this is just another sign of his commitment to Armaggedon (as anyone ever tried to apply the Anti-Christ signs to his rule???). But that's why a real second party would be helpful here. Real humans care about their kids and what they're leaving to them. Global warming, with its relation to water and energy, is THE ISSUE of their future, and calling BS on Bushnev and his actions is the counter to the "War on Terra" that a real second party would seize on.
Holding your breath? Didn't think so.
Thanks for proving my point.
Friday, June 09, 2006
What If We Had a Second Party in This Country?
Posted by
berlin niebuhr
7:43 AM
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