Thursday, December 07, 2006

Weather, Water, Energy 12-07-06

Quick hits today:

  • It's good to have a written record of these fools. Sen. Inhofe (OK-REPUB) has one last cavalcade of idiots testify (he had to ship one in from Australia, the pickings must be scarce here). The good thing: Sen. Boxer takes him down and will be taking over. And for a real takedown, check this out.
  • Climate Progress makes sure we remember that Bushnev's immediate legacy will be Iraq and a devastated national economy. But history will peg him most for US increases in carbon emissions during his presidency, at exactly the time when we should have been going as far the other way.
  • Grist continues its interesting series on biofuels here, including a review of the work of Archer Daniels Midland.
  • As part of Kyoto, developed nations were supposed to help less so nations to get the necessary technology to fight global warming. After making good faith efforts with poor response, India's calling us all out.
  • Christian Science Monitor does a very thorough overview of "carbon neutral" efforts in the US. Good for the summary as well as the discussion of what can be done on small levels.
  • Following up on yesterday's post regarding European scientists predicting melting of Arctic ice and the resulting decline of food chain, here comes a NASA satellite study finding "a significant link between warmer water -- either from the El NiƱo weather phenomenon, or global warming -- and a reduced production of phytoplankton of the world's oceans, according to a study in today's journal Nature." Good thing humans don't eat phytoplankton, huh?