Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Depth of the Hole

Wanna know just what kind of world we're in and how much work the Dems have to do, besides restraining the Busheviks once their wounds are licked? Time headline: "Realists Take Charge in Washington." Uh. . . . Nice implication, but these are the same people who propped up Hussein for years, just before they had a war with him. Realists? Iran-Contra, anyone??? And, then, just after reading that online, I'm surfing through my infomercials and there's Jimmy Swaggart explicating on the Middle East, with a giant multi-colored map behind him on his stage. Jimmy Swaggart, sex hypocrite, cousin of Jerry Lee Lewis, expounding on the Middle East. . . . Okay, then. Good luck, Dems.