Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Weather, Water, Energy 11-08-06

Woohoo, by 2010 we'll be down to #2 in greenhouse gas levels. Thanks to its coal burning, China's asserting its leadership in the world. . . . The Dems are off to a good start, apparently going after the oil companies, wanting some money back, ending questionable projects, and moving toward energy independence. . . . Want to be one of the indigenous people still trying to live off the land as "civilized" folks bring on global warming and droughts to your homelands? Well, no, thank you. Hadn't really thought about them in all this. That's their point, and they want more attention before the guano really hits the fan. . . . Want another thing you haven't thought of in this? How about the malaria surge in Kenya and its possible relation to global warming? . . . Finally, a warning on warming and how the best climate change studies must combine interactions of temps, radiation, precip, and land use. Interesting article describing some of the findings applying this to this point. We're getting better at this. Now if we could just get better at using the better knowledge.