Saturday, February 03, 2007

Find Berlin Niebuhr a Dog! (Part Two)

This time, we go in a different direction...small! When Mrs. berlin niebuhr was growing up, she had a chihuahua, and she has made her preferences known. So let's see what they have to offer...


-- They tend to focus their devotion and loyalty on just one person. So this is a positive for Mrs. berlin niebuhr...not so much for Mr. berlin niebuhr. Take our dog Kayle, make her even more loyal and protective, and give her a harsher-sounding bark. Hmm...I guess this should have been in the "Negatives" list.

-- According to Wikipedia, while they're "stereotyped as high-strung ... it has been shown that correct training and socialization can result in an outstanding companion animal."

-- Also from Wikipedia: "Their curious nature and small size make them easily adaptable to a variety of environments, including the city and small apartments." Since Mr. and Mrs. berlin have had the tendency of moving about once a year lately, this could come in handy!

-- You can fit them on an airplane! That's gotta come in handy, right?

-- They don't shed much.

-- It doesn't cost much to feed them.

-- They don't require much exercise (no matter how much fun it is imagining berlin niebuhr taking a little chihuahua with a cute pink sweater out for a walk--I'd pay good money to see that! Maybe a rhinestone collar...but I digress).


-- Also according to Wikipedia, "[c]hihuahuas are not well-suited as small children's pets because of their size, temperament and tendency to bite when frightened." Not that this is a problem now, but uhh...eventually it could become one.

-- Come on, they look like rats!

-- While they may be cheap to feed, you actually have to clothe them sometimes...else they shake.

-- They need a great deal of attention. That can be a positive occasionally, but...yeah...could get old.

-- They don't tend to get along well with other dogs.

-- They can be difficult to train. Like berlin niebuhr.

-- Here's a slight problem:

-- And here's another:

Don't know if you can overcome that.

I've gotta say...I think we're voting no on this one. But we're just here to provide the information. It is, after all up to Mr. and Mrs. berlin niebuhr to decide. Oh who are we's only up to Mrs. berlin niebuhr.