Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quick Hits

This should get every college kid to finally pay attention to global warming, peak oil, and the future we face. Increased emphasis on ethanol-->more growing of crops for energy production-->less growing of crops not for energy production-->less barley being raised-->higher price for the barley raised-->more expensive beer. I'm expecting riots. . . . For centuries it's been "nature v. nurture," "genes v. environment." Well, nature and genes scored some points in this research showing specifically the gene that activates the signaling pathways in the brain that affect performance IQ. Not saying that everything's genetic, but some of the more extreme "nurture" arguments will have to step back and catch a breath now. . . . Really good article in the New Yorker on Gore and his current view from the pedestal. Says all the right things about the 2000 "election" and his wise strategy above the fray at this point (where was this strategic skill in 2000???). Basically makes the case for those of us who see him as the best way to address the crap that will need cleaning January 2009. . . . And then, here are the "living on Planet Me" folks, the current crop of college types who exhibit more narcissism than even the lunatics from the Reagan days, much less those hippies in the 60s. Nice review of the counterproductive consequences of a generation overindulged in "self-esteem" and of the hooey in the "they're more into volunteering" nonsense. What did the kids think? Here's one: Kari Dalane, a University of Vermont sophomore, says most of her contemporaries are politically active and not overly self-centered."People want to look their best, have a good time, but it doesn't mean they're not concerned about the rest of the world," she said. Good lord, little missy, go back to Laguna Beach. I know. La, la, la, can't hear you.