Monday, February 05, 2007

Weather, Water, Energy 2-05-07

Denial is a river in Egypt. Global warming is here, but the biggest addicts are having the hardest time with that first step. Australia and its idiot PM are claiming the IPCC report is "nothing new" and agreeing to sign onto only "economically reasonable" emissions restrictions, the US and China get called out for their inaction, and China is actively censoring its media to prevent any word of the report from getting to its citizens (follow up here where China gets fingered as the biggest obstructionist now). To top it off, the US is claiming it's a leader in the effort to deal with the problem. . . bwahahahahaha. Meanwhile, nations like Vietnam, well, actually all poor nations, will get to pay big (all that coastline, you know) for their determined ignorance and self-absorption. . . . Think ethanol is the answer? Well, not for global warming, which it will enhance, but not really even for energy development maybe. A number of good pieces today of the hows, whys, and problems and how short-term interest will likely win again, in GA in this story but just about any state would fit. But some of those states, like MI, are wising up and looking at renewables as well. In lieu of coal plants. Finally some wisdom. See? Things aren't so bad, are they?