Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snowday Blogroll! (Part II): Other News

On to Part II: Other News, Both Frightening and Frivolous.

* Does “media” mean “unquestioning; falling in line” in some other language? I don’t understand how anybody can fall for this crap yet again (Left Coaster), much less people who are paid to report facts...then again, it’s not complete and total slavish repetition of the party line this time (Liberal Oasis), so I guess that’s something. Not much of something, but something nonetheless. My god, saying “Baby I’ve changed...you can trust me this time” (Upyernoz) better not work. Actually, they're not even saying it's different this time--they're just pretending like they've been right about everything, and nobody has any choice but to trust them.

* Peace > War (CorrenteWire). Great post. Loved this quote: “War cannot be a necessary evil, because non-violence is a necessary good.” But meanwhile, President > Everybody Else in the World Combined (Digby). And yes, he’s our President, not our Commander-in-Chief. And I don’t understand how you can respond to “The War Powers Act requires Congress to vote on whether we should insert troops into hostile situations. The law is clear,” with “Absolutely not,” but whaddo I know. I’m not a congressman. Ggh.

* Saints McCain and Joementum have a really interesting way of supporting the troops (C&L). As does Dear Leader (Gadflyer). Just disgusting.

* This shouldn’t be a surprise (spiiderweb) coming from this administration, who would have given the Medal of Honor to Himmler if he were enough of a good ol’ boy.

* Erik from Alter Destiny got to sit in on an Exxon Mobil conference call with a couple other progressive bloggers. It’s an interesting read. The Far in Lefarkins (LG&M) was in on the call as well.

* Texas coal is now affecting Oklahoma air quality, and Oklahoma might actually do something about it (from a BooMan diary). Impressive.

* This is fantastic (Mercury Rising), and I really hope it’s the start of a trend. Note to progressives in power: It had BETTER be the start of a trend.

* 24 is a good show, according to my many liberal friends who watch it religiously, but when it’s seen as something close to reality TV (Attytood), then I start to have SERIOUS issues. But not as many issues as the people who consider it reality TV have, of course. IT’S A TV SHOW. Wolcott chips in here. Demosthenes adds this:

Surnow has been confronted again and again by real military personnel who have real interrogation experience trying to tell him that what he depicts on the show doesn't work in real life and is negatively influencing real interrogators in Iraq, but he can't be bothered to listen, busy as he is conferencing with the likes of Roger Ailes about future shows. So Jack keeps torturing.
* Echidne discusses Harvard’s hiring of a female president.

* David at Debate Link has a fantastic summary of the recent slew of posts regarding prison rape. It’s most certainly been turned into a joke in pop culture, and I really don’t know how you turn that around at this point.

* In science news, it’s Darwin Day (here’s a nice list of science blogs from Skippy), and the Center for American Progress takes on ignorant Missouri legislators and their cutting off of their science nose to spite their stem cell face (via Fired Up! Missouri). But then again, at least no one from Missouri has said this...as far as I know, at least (Gristmill). Dinosaur farts? Really?

* And speaking of conservatives and science, at least they’re making their true feelings known, I guess (Greenwald, at his new home).

* Since when has being an outlaw been bad in country music (First Draft)??

* And finally, Mannion discusses The Queen and Diana. And Attaturk gets his hands on some Valentines. Lovely.