Monday, February 26, 2007

Give Up the RIAA for Lent

After passing this by The Boy, Good Nonsense decided to help spread the word. March is “Boycott the RIAA” month over at Gizmodo. They are in no way supporting/promoting piracy or anything illegal. Instead, take the month of March to explore your local music scene or check out some of those independent label bands your “indie” friends are always talking about. And if you’re really need a fix of your favorite RIAA artist, find out where they’re playing and make the ever popular road trip. Speaking from experience, they can be legendary – even if it’s just in your own head. The guys at Giz have a strong opinion of the RIAA and their practices. So I encourage you to stand up to the challenge of living RIAA-free for a whole month. I know you’ve got it in you. And don’t forget to tell your friends.