Saturday, March 17, 2007

Find Berlin Niebuhr a Dog (Part Five)!

We're back after a two-week absence! This week's dog is the Bichon Frise (which literally means "curly lap dog" in French), the choice of Mrs. berlin niebuhr...not us. We'll see how it shapes up.


* Well, for starters, Wikipedia says they're "very intelligent and generally have happy dispositions." Unlike berlin niebuhr's daughter-in-law.

* They also "love to jump into a comfy lap and settle in for their daily snooze." I can just picture berlin niebuhr stretching out for his afternoon nap with a nice little white furball by his side!

* They're prone to allergies. Just like berlin niebuhr's son and daughter-in-law! I say this is a positive since they're well-acquainted with this one.

* They're easily house-broken, and they don't shed!


* They are "happiest when they are the complete center of attention." I don't think Mr. and Mrs. N would think of that as a good trait. I think they would prefer something that just blends into the room.

* They require a great amount of human attention and long walks. Again, probably not a good thing. Hmm, maybe they should just get a gerbil or a goldfish.

* A wikipedia care tip that will have berlin niebuhr running away from his keyboard (and maybe Mrs. N too): "Owners must take care to clean their dog's hind (anal) area with a damp cloth after each bowel movement, as the breed's curly hair will tangle in dried excrement." Heh heh heh.

* According to doggiewoggie, "the Bichon Frise exhibits a trait called the 'Bichon Buzz' - suddenly the Bichon will put its ears back, start growling and run feverishly around in obstacle-course fashion for a few moments." While I think that would be hilarious, there's no telling what it would knock over buzzing around the niebuhr house.

* Needless to say, white dogs are hard to keep clean.

But they're definitely cute...and that counts for something...