Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Weather, Water, Energy 3-27-07

  • David Roberts at Grist has his usual series of great posts, but these two are the ones that stand out for me, one on how "conservatives" base their opposition to global warming measures on their fear and hatred of Gore and not the science of it and one on how their fear and hatred of science has made them virtually reality-free and nothing but pure politics. They create their own reality, just like the Soviets, of whom no one reminds me more than Georgi and his apparatchik, in everything they do, not just climate change.
  • Meanwhile, another nation with a history of la-la land thinking, China, finds that reality is a bitch in yet another report of 10m. people and 9m. livestock without water supplies. But keep pumping out that coal-fired power, buddies.
  • Don't know if this is good or not, but a new company can tell you the climate and environmental risks of that new house you're thinking about buying. Probably won't go over well on the coasts.
  • A couple of British universities are putting up some serious funding to get serious solar power research advanced in their country. Does the sun shine in England? I know it doesn't where Tony Blair usually has his head.
  • Speaking of folks with heads up dark places, I guess it's hopeful that even the TX legislature is taking time to examine what global warming will do to the state and how they might stop it. Just like they've got all that incarceration and child poverty taken care of. Good on 'em.

[UPDATE: An AccuWeather forecaster is warning both the Gulf Coast and the Northeast that the 2007 hurricane season is likely to hit them where it hurts. Which is the pocketbook, according to him, but I think we learned from Katrina that that pain comes later.]